Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Holding Yourself Accountable

Holding Yourself Accountable

What does it means?  In my context or my understanding: 
To be able to OWN everything you do in your life.
- your decisions & consequences
- how you process your feelings
- how you filter your mind 

and what does google say:


1. Decisions & Consequences 
We all have different way of thinking, different way of life and different environment of how we live. But everything comes to one- of how well you manage yourself.

In terms of making decisions, whether you let peoples' voice in or you RULE your own mind. That shows how bold your heart is. It's not that we don't need to listen to what others have to say. In some appropriate time, YES we do need advices from INSIGHTFUL person ok. But we need to set a bold line in between what you truly wants, what is good for you and what is good for others as well. ( Only if it relates to them. Don't be selfish. You didn't live in this world by your own.) 
WHY? Because, in the end, it is YOU who have to face the decisions you have made. It is YOU who will go through the consequences. It is YOU who feels the joy or opposite. So dear beloved, Don't be a people pleaser. Start to walk your own decisions. OWN it. Be responsible for yourself. Don't be so timid, you coward. So what if you are not making the right decisions? So what? Mistakes were made ok? Learn and grow from it. OWN IT. That's how you grow wisely. 

I have a story, all this time I am very interested in hairstyles. I dyed different colors and my fav was Green. I cut different styles including undercut for 4 years. In my family, I am the only one who have more fats than others. Gemuk bah tapi tidak juga bah gemuk cuma bila dalam kalangan kurus2, saya nampak gemuk gila lah. hahaha. By saying that, I have a round face. So what do you think I did? I cut a great baby bangs inspired by Mullet haircut. People say I look much fatter and my face is not suit to have this Mullet. and some even said that I look like Iban. well???? I AM Iban. None of it scares me tho. I feel really great with my own decisions. They say I don't look good in this haircut but me personally feels really great inside and that what drives me to boost my confidence in my daily life basis. Remember, the more you love you decisions, the less you need others to love them.

Summary: Life is about learning and grow wisely. Set a bold borderline in between you and the percentage of how much you let peoples' touch in your life decisions making. 

2. Process your feelings
Feelings is a big word. But I'm not going to talk about what it means, how it forms etc etc...
What I want to say is, be EMOTIONALLY WISE.

Not everything deserves your attention or your emotion. Be botherless. You know what? In this big world, there must be a person or more, who would purpose or not purposely annoyed you like heck. For me personally I really cannot stand stupid people who purposely being like that just to annoy me. They really wanted my attention so much like !@$!#$#@$^#%& ugh. Honestly speaking, I have a very limit tolerance for people like that. 

Throughout my life, God has sent few people like that, and I know God knows how limited my patience towards those people is. But, hold up. I managed to leave them. It was 3 years ago. Where I stand for my life principle, "If I can't handle their stupidity, I would just simply walk away from them." In short, to cut them off. I'm not usually like that, I make a lots of friendships relationship but I'm not wise enough to face these type of people. I like making new friends, having fun and peace. I don't like arguments. so what I did was just cut them off.  Wallaa~ problem solve.

What's the problem here? Of course I gain my peace by leaving them. BUT, I didn't learn that well in terms of FACING THAT CONSTANT ANNOYED, IRRITATED FEELINGS BURNING INSIDE ME.

As the saying goes, mistakes were made until you learn.

Teka lah. Now God has sent me another person with same attitude but different gender πŸ˜‚ I have the ability to understand emotion, but not how I manage it. Nowadays I cannot really applies "BE KIND" cause people won't. Since I'm still not immune to this topic, so the best thing I'm doing right now is to keep a safe distance from this person, I will listen to what this person said but not going to process. just let it flow, bak kata pepatah, masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri. πŸ‘‚ I see what God tries to teach me. Oh Lord, please guide me. All I was thinking right now is just to keep my mouth close and show no emotion at all and will only respond when it comes to important thing. Still learning!

Detached it from you~ 
Leave it where it should be~
and just dgaf
cause life is way more bigger than the unnecessary trash garbage of emotions🌏
too pretty to unleash unnecessary anger,
and too classy to be grabbed down to their level of personality. 

Be accountable to your feelings and learn how to be emotionally wiser person. 

3. Filter is not only for pictures
If you can filter your picture, you CAN filter your thoughts.

First of all, why do we need to filter our mind?
For me, the fruit of your thoughts often reflects of how do you think.

I remember there was once I read an article stated that human natural way of thinking is filtering with negativity first right before positive filter whenever receiving a new input. I forgot where I read that but credit to whoever wrote that. And that changes me, I always train myself to filter with positivity first where it leads to understanding and non judgemental opinions. 

I've been talking to a lot of people with different age groups, different background and different religious. Everything reflects of who you are. From there, you can tell how they look at things and you can guess where are they coming from- how they were raised. 

Some may filter their thoughts with negativity to protect themselves. Yet, it is not necessary to apply it in all things. As the saying goes, if you change your word, you change your actions. TBH, for me, I love talking about many things with open minded person. But sadly, those type of people always labelled as "not appropriate" or "wild" or "not holy" just because they talk about things widely without boundaries. I love to sit with people who have the biggest space in their mind about new things. Why? Because they won't judge you for having such big things in mind. Close minded people usually are the ones who negative, I am πŸ’― about this. Tell me, who would love to get negative respond whenever you say about big things? Please, make more room and space in  your heart and mind. The  world is big it does not evolve only around you. 

You are responsible of they way you think. So make sure to always checking up on your way of thinking.

Be accountable for your heart and mind cause in the end it reflects of who you really are within you.


Love yourself,

Saturday, 14 August 2021



HELLOOOOOOO WOLRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


First of all, Syukur Puji Tuhan, I'm still breathing, living, typing with my smile on my face - SO grateful for His grace, in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic turbulence, people are dying everyday, getting infection everyday, and guess what? I'm one of the C-19 patient, too! What a ride of life. 

So it was 3 years from my last post, which on 2018. During that time, I'm still in my first year student and now currently working as an Accountant Clerk in a quite big (?)  multi business company- one of it runs 86 outlet around Sabah and local hotel somewhere in the KK City. Funny how I still remember back in secondary school, guru subjek Prinsip Perakaunan lah guru paling garang di dunia masa tu.πŸ˜‚ TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS, there's many many times where I always wonder, like ''God, why do I have to sit for that subject in my SPM anyway?" T U R N S  O U T,  I've been accepted to work as Accountat Clerk using only my raw SPM result and has survived for few month already! All the salary goes back to my study loan PTPTN, for my skincare, for my car...------

----- uiii banyak sudah benda baru terjadi kan??  kerja, loan, car????

See, I started writing this blog few days before taking my UPSR! U P S R weii??!! 12 Years Old, now I'm 22! It's been 10 Y E A R S !!!

Semakin jauh perjalanan hidup, semakin luas pemandangan tentang hidup. As I read back my past posts, what my little self wrote throughout my teen age, I realized how POSITVE I was back then, than now. Ironically, there's gains and losses, fors and againts -- worth life learning journey. 

I am truthfully thankful, that God has made me do the writing in this blog even with no audience at all, but it actually like a diary, more to a "bible" for my own life. Why 'bible' ? Because my younger self seems like has this vision for me, like she knew what my future self will be facing as I grew up, so she wrote many many things.  All those reminders, advices, POVs, stories, 'languages' that she used -- those were like a slap for myself now, because I don't really have that in me right now. WHY??

Now that I really walk with my own feet in this "LIFE" than I did before during school life, some walks has thorns, and left some scars and wound on my feet. So by reading back all my posts in this blog, I feel like 'going back to my hometown', just to find myself back here. I never ever realized that all I need is to be coming here in my blog.

You all know like you are walking in Sahara Desert, with no water, so thirsty as h*, tired, like you're having Sahara itself in you throat, so dry, dehydrates, syncope, but you have to get back again and keep walking, but then suddenly tiber got a gallon of fresh cold mineral water in front of you, and you drink down that thru your dry-expired throat, you can feel all the fluids running thru in your body again πŸ˜‚πŸ’§ so refreshing and reenergized right??? (please respond to my question!)


You have all the items you wrote in the things-to-buy-list, but you still walking in the store, looking for another item that you think you might need but then it's just nothing to be found. You didn't know exactly what you looking for but you know you needed something. It's frustrating. So you just simply proceed the payment for you stuff and all, and left the store. Then, when you walk across the stalls outside of the store, you stop by to an ice cream kiosk, bought yourself a strawberry mint ice cream. Walla, your day is complete. It is THAT ice cream that you needed to fill the void of "looking for something" back in the store.

πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† Those you just read up there, is what best describe how I feel for reading back my past published posts.

Anyway, in celebrating my self for this 10 years amazing anniversary with my blog,  I will be writing with 10 different topics under a big title: 


2. 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION: Keeping Up with Yourself
3. 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION: Filter Your Thought.
4. 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION: Family Builds Characters
5. 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION: Bucket-List Junkie
10. 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION: Make The Best Of Being Young

*I will be updating for the link to each of the title listed above so you can just click on the title πŸ‘†

Disclaimer: I AM NOT A WRITER, I just love to do Self-Talk with myself. You should try it, too! πŸ˜‰

Cheers to another 10 YearsπŸ₯‚
