Saturday 10 December 2016

Undercut! ( update )

Just a few hours after I posted the last entry, bangun pagi direct shave balik my hair. ofc momsy yang tolong buat. actually sy decide utk kasi pendek since tumbuh panjang sudah & kasi tambah tinggi tu undercut but then momsy did like this.

oh oh i forgot to mention one more golden tips about undercut
11) Pilih nombor card untuk machine for an example 1,2,3 or 4 untuk pastikan length rambut yang sesuai.
like mine, at first sy guna 2 & 1. but yang di gambar above 0 & 1 + gunting.
since my hair cepat tumbuh so it's no regret for using 0 a.k.a besi mesin gunting rambut tu.

short entry for today cause honestly my mood lately 'wavy' (due to hormone kot. trust me.) 
so tataaaaa good night !

ohyah, other than my new hair kunun kunun, sy pun berjaya buat header baru untuk ni blog. wkwkw awal awal sudah expose muka. ( because i know the fact that no one knows me and my blog & if theres anyone out there yang tau ni blog, jarang jarang juga dorang cek or they even might forgot about this. *yakin wkwkw)

Onceeeeee again, good night!

Friday 9 December 2016

Undercut ! (+selfie)

i did it !

 last year saya mmg mau betul buat ni hairstyle which for me sangat sangat fabs. but since sy masih sekolah so i hold my desire for one year and tadaaaa i made it! *cheers

my undercut bukan baru sehari dua but actually one week old sudah. got to say this, im so in love with this hairstyle!

credit to my mum sebab dia yang buat this v-shape undercut + 3 lines (pattern) dyed with IL SALONE MILANO : 12 PURE PLATINUM  (pictures below)

 tapi sy berkeras betul x mau pakai bleach bcuhs based on my experience, bleach bikin rambut saya ''shoked'' lol and as pictures above (collab w undercut) my blonde turned to brown color yang tidaklah brown sangat sbb ada warna lain (dunno how to describe). di kotak tu listed if warna rambut hitam, it wudnt be blonde immediately but after the second round dye, it wud turn to blonde as you wanted. i wud touch up my hair for second time soon. Maybe after this i have to put some bleach or peroxide to my hair?

So far, i feel good about my current hair except for the fact that my hair is naturally curly(sumandak iban) but thats not a big deal anyway. sebab i was worried about my undercut after five months or less, wud it be curly short hair? then do i have to shaved it every months? well lets see what will happen to my hair when it grows and i'll update it here.

i think it is too early for me to list down all the pros n cons about undercut but i do have some tips-tops before doing this undercut.
1) let your desire lifted higher than the bad mouths (lol ayat hahahaha.) yeah seriously, kasi bosuk ja telinga kamu dari tu orang-orang punya opinion --yang BAD seja ah. jangan tolak semua opinions.

2) it's your hair. do whatever you want.

3) to do the undercut, start with a small part ( langkah selamat) and you are free to 'maximize' the part (after first shave)

4) make yourself a priority.

5) ask for opinions and reviews from ppl. (people with experience and have a good taste of all hairstyles)

6) to choose a hairstyle, pilih yang different dari orang. (poingka.) you wud not want to do the same hair color/style with your close family/friends ba kan? tidak apa? then go on. wkwkwkwk.

7) tengoklah banyak2 vlogs/ reviews/ prosncons/ tips dari youtubers pasal undercut. 

8) check whether kulit kepala kamu jenis kering ka tidak. sebab kalau buat shaved, kompom nampak kulit kepala kamu, tidak lawa oh yang ada banyak bintang putih. kalau sudah tershave dan baru perasan ada bintang bintang putih di kepala, cari inisiatif such as pakai apa produk rambut ka, letak serum ka or cuci. depends la.

9) and this one, for better and menyerlah undercut, i think orang yang mau buat undercut, kena ada leher yang lawa. HAHAHA. how eh? in a proper way to say this-bentuk leher yang sesuai la. sebab ada juga bentuk bentuk leher yang sesuai or tidak sesuai. a nice upperback/neck wud make your undercut looks good and suits on you. macam saya punya, baru sy perasan leher saya not that lawa or sesuai but you know, tips nombor 2, it's your hair, do whatever you want. bukan juga saya tidak cek or get ready for this undercut but saya terlepas pandang tentang bentuk leher. selain bentuk leher, warna leher di belakang pun penting tau! ada leher yang gelap di belakang, before buat undercut, make sure kasi bersih dlu leher or kasi putih guna tips tips dari internet, google it. for those yang sesuai bentuk leher, dan cerah, it's a bonus..

10) one good thing about this hairstyle, you are able to cover or hide it with upper hair if it turns out not as you wanted or for whatever the reasons might be.

khiaaaa~ that's all the golden 10 tips for those yang mau buat undercut. you want it? go for it!
akak belanja selfie luks wkwkw. goodnights all the people on the floor bed!
 malu mau selfie muka makin tua tidak macam gambar form 1 di post lama cute miut wkwkwkw. 

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Lappy is back !

hello and hi everyone! how was your day ?
today marks the end of my paper for this week. third week and still survive!
one more paper to go which i'll be taking on next week.

i wont saying anything yet about my SPM experience nanti laa time habis sudah smua ok?
one lesson, jangan terlampau yakin, jangan expect anything, terima kenyataan dan berserah sama Tuhan. 
why? ok nanti sy cer ok ? hahaha.

well my title tonight is ''Lappy is back !'' 
did i ever share the story mory on what really happened to my laptop?
macam ada, macam tiada kan?

it's like this. few months ago, kira kira dalam awal tahun like bulan 3,4,5 bgitu la, laptop sy ni betul betul mau full sudah hard disk internal dia. ya i know exactly what to do, transfer files/ data/ barang pegi hard disk external. selalu sy ambi ringan ja pasal ni barang. i tot that ''oh pencipta laptop ni memang pandai ba nda la any bad and serious thing occur''

! ! !

nah situ sy silap. sekali ada ni satu hari, sy buka laptop dengan ready hard disk di tangan saya mau transfer barang sekali ada sign ''low disk space'' oh okay sabar bilang saya sekali lag-- restart la apa lagi. hahahahahahhahahahuhuhuhuhuuuuuuu 
haha sy jdi huhu bila sy siap dia restart macam biasa, laptop kasi kena saya la pula ''surprise owner surprise!!!'' 



kotoh bilang laptop kalau dia pandai bercakap la. tapi ini kali lah ''diam diam ubi berisi'' bilang laptop diam diam dia mau kasi lost data-data sy smua. google tiada, gimp tiada, photoscape tiada, samsung kies tiada, itunes tiada, nikon files tiada semuaaaaaaa la tiada. 

yang tinggal hanyalah gambar yang di file apa tu ah C kot? yang x boleh padam punya barang idk la. that is why bila saya tunjuk orang, ''eh masi ada pun ni gambar kau?'' ''masi dapat on pun laptop kau''
ya ofcos la sebab bukan FORMAT kan? dia lost ja mcm ni laptop main tapuk tapuk sama sy, tapi tiapa sy ja yg faham. then sy hantar sama my kawan (punya kawan actually mutual friend jer lol) said dia campin hack campin laptop campin semua la but then mungkin ni laptop masi merajuk kali nda mau kena fix sbb tu kawan pun tidak dapat fix. but anyway, thank you sebab tolong tengok2 my laptop ! i do appreciate every efforts!

saya sendiri pun ada try mau restore barang barang. try test power la kunun kot kot ada bakat technician kot kot ada karunia kot kot tangan sejuk fix laptop. so sy search la internet siap tengok youtube guna handphone sebab seriously ni laptop got nothing to connect dengan internet.

ok pegi accessories then apa sudah tu ah? urm cari something like restore dia cakap. well ini steps untuk Windows XP heheee. ada dia bagi date dari bila punya data mau restore sekali dia suruh back up apa yg ada so sy back up la ...lalalalalalala i got nothing ! again. sebab dia bagi date pun x dapat ubah. lol?  ok sia pun sinyium sinyium kambing tutup laptop dan pegi makan. bye bilang saya sama laptop. paduliooo.

then apa yang betul betul buat sy tersedar betapa pentingnya mau kasi save ni laptop is when dekat dekat sudah mau habis school life sy, ya as you know i got camera on  my hand and i do really need place to transfer, mana mau save moments zaman sekolah sy? plus di laptop sy mmg banyak gambar dri sy sekolah rendah time BI YE. takkan kasi lost bgtu ja kan? and mmg dari dlu sy mau betul untuk edit video mcm VLogger bgtu cumanya sy x laptop ! ada pun mau full2 sdh hahahaha.

so i decided hantar lappy ku yg masi berharap agar gambar2 dri cam yg lawa2, gambar lawatan, gambar time kici2, gambar di samsung kies,gambar sekolah rendah, gambar d iphone semuaaaaa masi ada-- pegi my geng my kumpit's punya abang ipar which known as the good technician dengan karunia untuk fix laptop which sees this laptop is not rosak because of virus(which everyone said to me). berapa hari ja dia buat and here it is!!! semua gambar is back even tho dia cakap ''not totally restored'' but i think it is! ya i know ada juga yg lost but my gratitude is beyond everything at this moment. and guess what kemarin ba baru sy dapat when sherly brought this laptop to sch i almost chocked myself ! sy kasi lepas buku di tangan direct on laptop ..  and stayed till 5pm sebab sibuk plus sakai edit wallpaper, bunyi, colors theme and stuff!

setinggi tinggi gunung kinabalu i wud really like to thank my kawan punya kawan yang tolong tengok2 my lappy, because kalau bukan sebab kamu, i wont try anything on my laptop. Also to my zaman sekolah menengah yang hampir in the end sebab bagi kesedaran. and most importantly, setinggi tinggi gunung everest thank you to sherly and her abang ipar- which we never talk or discuss on what happened to my laptop cuma pass thru sherly ja lol haha. dia minta belanja KEPSI ja, seriously mcm mana sy mau belanja ni ah ? still wonderingggggggg howwww i tot mau bayar guna sampul because dia pro seriously. nth la. nanti la sy tanya sherly bagus2, easy thing i guess? oh i  forgot, dia pun buat my laptop from Windows XP to Windows 7! ok actually i did to update my laptop but then x boleh sudah tu windows cakap sama sy sebab terlampau lapuk. u seeeeeeee?

well everything happened for a lesson. 
after tengok dari semua sudut, this is what si laptop mau ajar saya.....

1) please, jangan ambil senang pesanan orang tua because my dad pernah pesan u have to transfer things to hard disk or else laptop akan rosak!

2) jangan tangguh tangguh kerja. yes kau ada niat mau buat, tapi kau ada hasil ka? if no better get yourself work on something

3) barang sendiri tanggunjawab sendiri. kau mau siapa tolong jaga?

4) jangan kasi susah orang

5) always always ask for help.

6) it is ok to try what u never did.yalah mau tengok kemampuan diri kan? but yang tidak ok is if you know sesuatu itu d luar kemampuan kau, then be honest. apa orang cakap tu? ukur baju d badan sendiri?

7) rezeki jangan ditolak!

8) dont expect anything. 

9) hope, faith. love.

10) gratitude

11) accept the lesson dont deny and kembali leka.

12)  kena ramai kenal orang ok? 

13) sees the good in something bad.

14) if you want something, then go for it!

This might be a small tiny unimportant matter but see things in different way. It will give you benefits and cud tell orang macam mana kau ni heheheheheheheheh.

Well sebagai tanda cheers instead of angkat gelas ucap selamat, heres some throwback pic of me masi lagi kici lol

well believe it or not, this is my first day to primary school( year 1, 7 years old me). daddy kasi pakai tag kerja dia sama saya idk for what reason but looks good on me tho tanda saya belum ada lencana and name tag. wkwkw.

thanks God for everything! all praise for You!

Friday 18 November 2016

Why so fast?

Hello everyone!
Soooo today marks the end of second weeks of SPM. (yeyy?)

So last week was 🔫🔫💣💣💣 and 💔💔💔 as well but lets hope n pray for the best aye. I'll tell you why soon bila semua semangat sudah kembali dalam diri ini. Cuhs honestly, my spirit gone missing. (sayonara 🙋)

So i got only 2 more subjs to sit for which means, 2 more days left for me to step into that school. Yaa sedih ba siapa x sedih kan. And...

Ohh sedihhhhnyaaaaa ni utusan dri tc morrien and tc chong. It means beberapa hari lg kmi dpt see each other's nose lol. 

Anyway, how was your weekdays? Eh i forgot pula today bru Friyay kan. Hahahaha i really tot that today is Saturday. Tp tiapalah. Enjoy your Friday!  💞💞💞

Heres my selfie freshly baru ja bangun direct p makan ayam goreng and minum green tea then kasi makan my three ikur fishes breakfast. wkwkwkw #selfierare #becosbelumcucimuka #hehehe

till i write again soon. mahalo!
Oh btw im thinking whether shud i or shudnt i change my profile pic, bio and stuff? Sbb bila baca blik enduuu sch rendah punya update tu yaww hahaha. I just update my description tp yg lain blum lagi. Shud i or shudnt i..........

Friday 11 November 2016

Bittersweet as Form 5 student

Well hello everyone!
Hows ya doin?

First of all, i wud like to take this opportunity to give a big applause and congratulations to the new America President, Donald Trump!

wuhuuu sememangnya unexpected election.


Kidding peps! Hello blog, hello readers, hello visitors! Happy blessed day.

Tbh, hari ni menandakan berakhirnya minggu pertama utk......SPM!! Wow man 😱 pejam celik pejam celik im now SPM candidate kan. If u go thru my blog, u will know my examinations life started from UPSR, PT3 and now SPM. I dont expect any beautiful results for me but lets dont talk about this, aye? (nantinanti bru sy share ok? 👌)

Now, whts with my title "bittersweet as form 5 student"? Sememangnya im encountering this era which u feel excited for passing the big exam and bitter for knowing that youll be leaving your school life, esp your friends!!

So, since i realized that theres only few more days left for us to see each other, sy bawa camera sy straight one week for capturing moments together and recorded videos. I promise to myself, to do some editing and will be posted it here. (Tahun depan laaa ah since my laptop under maintenance.)  💻💻💻

Im a grateful student and a classmate to everyone in 5Proactive 2016. Tho some of us barely talk but i see you and you got special place in my heart and my mind. Not to forget, my most honourable teachers, Tcr Chong & Tcr Morrien for shaping us and loving us as your own anak anak monkeys 😊🐒🐵

(picture above was taken during our Form 5 Students Appreciation day)

Oh anyway, Im goin to sit for the most killer subjects next week, 🔪🔪🔪🔪 (i dont want to mention those subjs here. mau igt nama pun bikin gagar) but yeah pray for the best.

"Ora et labora!"

Saturday 7 May 2016

My treat

Pada petang yg indah ini, sy ingin mau hendak post selfie sy sini sebab kerana hehehehheehhehehehe baiii.

A whole new life

Ohgosh! Hi blogger! It's been a really really long times since my last post! 😭

I've been thru a lot lot lot ⚡thunders -which has taught me to a whole new kind of thinking and has brought me to here.

How I wish u cud post all things tht happened to me since the last two years where I think my 'real life' begins.
To share to them whoever pass by my blog site.

Yet no matter how many thunders that i've been thru, I still have my ☔ umbrella to at-least-cover me. I mean, i'm really grateful for I have my God to lead me and strengthen 💪 me.  All praise to Him who never ever leave me! 

No, no one did ever see or touch my scars. But I, myself, know how terrible it was in there- inside my heart.

As I read back all entries that I posted here, how I wish I cud turn back ⌚ time and at least skip/ hide/ take a diff path from the beginning. How I miss my childhood!  😭

But, that's life.

It's not about your age, it's your EXPERIENCE.

See them as a way to train you and take them as your opponent to defend yourself- all for your upcoming more wars.

Love, Natica xx.