Friday, 9 December 2016

Undercut ! (+selfie)

i did it !

 last year saya mmg mau betul buat ni hairstyle which for me sangat sangat fabs. but since sy masih sekolah so i hold my desire for one year and tadaaaa i made it! *cheers

my undercut bukan baru sehari dua but actually one week old sudah. got to say this, im so in love with this hairstyle!

credit to my mum sebab dia yang buat this v-shape undercut + 3 lines (pattern) dyed with IL SALONE MILANO : 12 PURE PLATINUM  (pictures below)

 tapi sy berkeras betul x mau pakai bleach bcuhs based on my experience, bleach bikin rambut saya ''shoked'' lol and as pictures above (collab w undercut) my blonde turned to brown color yang tidaklah brown sangat sbb ada warna lain (dunno how to describe). di kotak tu listed if warna rambut hitam, it wudnt be blonde immediately but after the second round dye, it wud turn to blonde as you wanted. i wud touch up my hair for second time soon. Maybe after this i have to put some bleach or peroxide to my hair?

So far, i feel good about my current hair except for the fact that my hair is naturally curly(sumandak iban) but thats not a big deal anyway. sebab i was worried about my undercut after five months or less, wud it be curly short hair? then do i have to shaved it every months? well lets see what will happen to my hair when it grows and i'll update it here.

i think it is too early for me to list down all the pros n cons about undercut but i do have some tips-tops before doing this undercut.
1) let your desire lifted higher than the bad mouths (lol ayat hahahaha.) yeah seriously, kasi bosuk ja telinga kamu dari tu orang-orang punya opinion --yang BAD seja ah. jangan tolak semua opinions.

2) it's your hair. do whatever you want.

3) to do the undercut, start with a small part ( langkah selamat) and you are free to 'maximize' the part (after first shave)

4) make yourself a priority.

5) ask for opinions and reviews from ppl. (people with experience and have a good taste of all hairstyles)

6) to choose a hairstyle, pilih yang different dari orang. (poingka.) you wud not want to do the same hair color/style with your close family/friends ba kan? tidak apa? then go on. wkwkwkwk.

7) tengoklah banyak2 vlogs/ reviews/ prosncons/ tips dari youtubers pasal undercut. 

8) check whether kulit kepala kamu jenis kering ka tidak. sebab kalau buat shaved, kompom nampak kulit kepala kamu, tidak lawa oh yang ada banyak bintang putih. kalau sudah tershave dan baru perasan ada bintang bintang putih di kepala, cari inisiatif such as pakai apa produk rambut ka, letak serum ka or cuci. depends la.

9) and this one, for better and menyerlah undercut, i think orang yang mau buat undercut, kena ada leher yang lawa. HAHAHA. how eh? in a proper way to say this-bentuk leher yang sesuai la. sebab ada juga bentuk bentuk leher yang sesuai or tidak sesuai. a nice upperback/neck wud make your undercut looks good and suits on you. macam saya punya, baru sy perasan leher saya not that lawa or sesuai but you know, tips nombor 2, it's your hair, do whatever you want. bukan juga saya tidak cek or get ready for this undercut but saya terlepas pandang tentang bentuk leher. selain bentuk leher, warna leher di belakang pun penting tau! ada leher yang gelap di belakang, before buat undercut, make sure kasi bersih dlu leher or kasi putih guna tips tips dari internet, google it. for those yang sesuai bentuk leher, dan cerah, it's a bonus..

10) one good thing about this hairstyle, you are able to cover or hide it with upper hair if it turns out not as you wanted or for whatever the reasons might be.

khiaaaa~ that's all the golden 10 tips for those yang mau buat undercut. you want it? go for it!
akak belanja selfie luks wkwkw. goodnights all the people on the floor bed!
 malu mau selfie muka makin tua tidak macam gambar form 1 di post lama cute miut wkwkwkw. 

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