Hey thereeee ! so Ive been thinking to do this since i dont have anything to post. Honestly I havent read each one of the question i was just looking thru once and downloaded it. 30 questions and 30 answers! let's do this.
Question number 1: List 20 random facts about yourself.
Ok random facts kan.
1. Cry baby hahahahahahha
2. Mental tidak kuat. seriousslyyyyyy.
3. I have such trust issue. susah mau percaya orang eih.
4. I cant deal with kiddos with straight face. yet i try to understand u know.
5. Affectionate person.
6. So many life principles.
7. Tired.
8. Alone
9. Prefer to do things by myself.
10. If i dont tell you, then dont bother to ask. It means I dont want to tell you.
11. Solitude.
12. Privacy life is a happy life.
13. Crave food. western food make my stomach happy.
14. Secrets vault.
15. I kept precious memories in my heart.
16. I laugh so hard.
17. Dont mess with me
18. Dont push me
19. Not really into judgement conversation
20. So many things happened yet so little things to say.
Question number 2: 3 legitimate fears- explain.
1. Losing friends.
Oh well probably because i found it hard for me to make new friends. Those friends that i have now are the ones who worth to invest my time and energy with.
2. Trust issue.
Im the kind of person who will tell you everything when i truly trusted you. I had experienced people broke my trust. Well, it's their lost.
3. Pistanthrophobia
Google for it.
Question number 3: Relationship with parents.
Ok bah
Question number 4: List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
Wow this is so interesting.
Well, dear self, first, go for what you wanted!!!!!!!!!!! mau masuk KV sambung tourism? GO FOR IT SERIOUSLY?! Second, why bother to follow your friends a.k.a pride? you seriously have to choose the geography rather than addmaths and accounting stuff............. youve been thinking to take geography right? i thought you like geography since form 1? Third, be bold, firm and courage! Fourth, dont trust people easily. not everyone is your friend and dont easily get attached. somethings are completely temporary. Fifth, you should have just walk away from that toxic person. Sixth, menari bagus bagus masa solo. Do not be so nervous because it all temporary, what meant forever is your achievement on stage. Seventh, respect every hooman. Eighth, less talk and just listen. Ninth, make up your mind. Tenth, I love you, you deserve life that youve been dreaming of. Hold on tight keep yourself chin up and just go on . eventually life will bring you to what youre supposed to be and meant to.
Question number 5: 5 things that make you most happy right now
1. Good food.
2. To see and make sure all the people that i love, is happy and satisfied even if it's hurting me
3. Gained weight. Seriously.
4. I'm able to handle things on my own.
5. Good sleep, enough rest.
Question number 6: Hardest thing that you have ever experienced
Oh gosh... honestly i got few things crossed in my mind to answer this but it's kinda deep and personal.... so my answer to this question is those hard times where i have to choose whether to follow my heart or to make others happy. and also that time when i was innocent but have mistaken as the cause of something terrible.
Question number 7: Dream job and why.
My dream job....fuhh. Should i tell this? hahaha ok why not. So my dream job is not just a job to get salary and pay my bills but it is a passion. I wish to run my own hotel and resort. pergh. such big dream. it has been my dream job since 14. WHY? I have no idea how to explain this. hahaha. I just love hotel line. all those hotel stuffs good place modest accommodation magnificent view inside out. ok im done on this. let's move on
Question number 8: 5 passions you have.
Im not sure about this question or how am I supposed to answer this. Passion is an intense desire or enthusiasm for something so i think my passion is probably being confident to deal with people like the tourist (?) linked with hospitality (?) to serve people (?) am i answering this right? hahaha. passion in dancing? music? talk to people to make them feel better. i think it's interpersonal ? dealing with people different ages. not gossiping and wasting time but talk to them to make them feel '' oh thanks God someone understands me'' but not randomly approach someone go 'hey how are you tell me what's interrupting your mind'' no dont get me wrong. i cud say that im a good listener and i like having deep conversation because sometimes it all it takes to heal the wound lol is it count as passion? there's no wrong answer in this right. so basically these are the things that im passionate about. lol i dont even sure that im answering it right.
Question number 9: 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
List out 10 people :1.
Naomi Neo inspiring me since secondary school and been my biggest influence among any other person.
Cupcakeaisyah because she's so cheerful i just love her positive attitude and shes so pretty.
3. The Kardashians especially
Khloe because i like her personality so much. and her body! #bodyrevenge #bodygoals #inspiring
wait can we just make it 3? yes of course you can. alright.
Question number 10: Most embarrassing moment.
probably that time when i was in kindergarten. guess what. saya terbirak di seluar. hahahahahahah
let's call it a day.
goin to get some snack.