Monday, 21 May 2018

Define Beauty

Hello folks! Another thought another post! πŸ’†πŸ’†πŸ’†

So I would like to ask you a question, what a ''beauty'' word truly define when it comes to a woman?
Personality? Figure? Outer looks? 

There's so many answers and opinions and I thought I would like to share it here (as my own reminder as well.) You know it is important to have our own standard of beauty as it is our own life principles. Better you, better people, better environment, right?

My definitions for Beauty.
1)For attractive lips, speak words of kindness" speak only when needed. listen more.

2) "For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people" or even in the midst of turbulence, ya people.

3) Seek God.  Bow down.

4) Be educated. Seriously an educated woman is really sexy and attractive. 

5) Stay focus

6) Personality. Different people different personality. 

7) Good vibe. ❣

8) No hate, just love. πŸ’Ÿ

9) Life balance. We all know that no one is perfect. But balance is nice enough. Which means that you know your own strength as well as your weakness therefore you are able to hold on to your own life. 

10) "For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry."

11) "The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives and the passion that she shows."

12) C O N F I D E N C E πŸ‘‘

13) Original version πŸ’―

14) "Cleanliness, a state of clarity, purity and precision."

15) An understanding soul, big heart.

16) Talented 

17) "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say. "

18) "Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given."

19)  “The main factor behind success is self-control.”


21) Drink water! RUN, WORKOUT, EAT HEALTHYπŸƒπŸƒ

22) Judge-less πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

So those are my opinions about beauty. Well what can I say, beauty is in the eye of beholder. Mine would be totally different from your point of view but after all, those are my life principles. I might talking mostly about inner beauty that's because well I, personally didn't have a peaked confidence level about myself. #confession101 and yeap, those are the things that I'm working on and how I handle my insecurities. #weallhaveweakness #lol 

Bear in mind- Beauty is only skin deep.

So, dear readers, feel free to share your opinion on the comment box below!πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Good Night and have the sweetest dream ever!❤

My Thought

Just a quick post for today. 
Last night as I scrolled down my feed on Instagram, my eyes caught a really nice and deep idk maybe related to me post from Narcissist Abuse Healing Coach  ( @narcandempath )

This goes to those who are in their progress to move on ( i can say from recent broke up)

How to move on by r.h. Sin
stop responding to texts & calls
fight urge to text & call
remember how bad it feels to be hurt by them.

don't hate yourself for wanting to give in
it won't happen over night
it'll be hard because you cared.

remember the reward in letting go
try not to focus on the pain of moving on.

forgive yourself for loving the wrong person
but appreciate the journey because 
it'll make you stronger, wiser
and be proud that you were brave enough to love
someone so deeply.

choose yourself
focus on the things you enjoy doing
focus on the people who make you feel good 
about life.

surround yourself with positivity
focus on your strengths
and document what you love about yourself

be around people who help you grow
surround yourself with people who are 

p/s: In case you didn't know, r.h. Sin is an author and had written many books. You may google him for more information! 

Sunday, 20 May 2018

New Update

πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•Hello lovely people ! Im back after few months! It's finally my first ever semester break. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

Yes I did post on my previous posts that i further my study sudah. Whenever I got time, but I didnt have a good internet and vice versa which made me decide to post a new update on sem break.
How are you doing? I hope everything is fine, and hope that you are working closer and closer to your goals :)

It's 4:59pm on 20/5/2018, a little bit cloudy due to heavy rain just now. I just finished a bowl of Maggie Kari. duiiiii kepingin ba saya. hahaha.

Alright, new update from me?πŸ˜‰
1)  I started my first ever class on 25th of January this year. I met a lot of people mostly older than me and only few young adults and few my age.

2)  I stay in a really nice hostel, just behind my college and we just need to walk like less than 10 minutes ( approximately 5 minutes only ) . I am fortunate enough because my hostel is really really really close than most of the students there which they need to take Grab or walk like 30 minutes like that. I have super amazing people in my house. We are altogether 14 students which 7 of us are new intake. Well tbh i was really concerned about how am i going to cope in my new environment but turned out really really good and I just hope that our bond never be broken. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

3)  I am a DECE student, which stands for Diploma In Early Childhood Education. cute right. i know what. hahaha. The subjects are not that really tough lah but im not a creative person so the problem goes to my assignments. Got this one subject which the assignment was to create a creative booklet for kids....fortunately, thanks to my lecturer, it was a group assignment so we just have to mixed up our ideas and yesss we only got 46 per 60 percent.( this is for our carry mark and another 40 percent for exam.) What do you think about this mark we got? More than half lah kan which i think...i dont know. hahaha honestly, let's see what my grade would be for this subject.

That's for assignments, and for my subject, i think the most tough subject is Language, Communication and Literacy. But i love my lecturer. And i do love the subject. What makes the subject kinda tough is because it has many many many topics which consists of subtopic, or like topic 7(i), 7 (ii), 7(iii) wait, i dont think this is the toughest. i think the toughest is Children Growth and Development. The one subject i mentioned about the assignments kinda hard that. Lol. But i reallyyyyy love that lecturer. She is my idol now. Beauty with Brain. Educated person, personality, lifestyles, life principles, manners. You got my full respect miss! #confession101

Oh ! Almost forgot, I got full marks for my Basic ICT which it kinda funny but I know I deserve that because I did my best on my assignments. There are total 3 assignments, 2 individual tasks and the third assignment was to create a video of  not more than 30 minutes duration. Well, to be honest, I did that assignment with my partner which is also my housemate. I swear it was a really last minute work. But turned out we got 15/15 yey! So the tip is, well you know it's all about skills whenever it comes ICT thing, and all we did use as many features and skills that we got.

Oh and for Early Learning and Early Environment, we went to this cute little kindergartner at Lido to do a microteaching. awh, cute students everywhere. Ok heres the thing. Why did i feel a little bit pressure whenever we teach? Sedangkan before this, i found it really pleasure to be with kids around. why is that? i feel that it burdens me because of the knowledge and skills that i've been taught and the urge to practice the theories. lol. This happened when my little cousins are around. and i dont like that. and i got to stop this ridiculous mindset off my head. Let's just be natural. okkkkkkkk

one more subject is Skills Enhancement. I like the lecturer. as well as her subject and assignments. Kinda sad when my lecturer said that we can finally leave the group right after we done our exam for this subject.

We just finished everything for sem one- tutorials, assignments and examinations. Im looking forward for my exam result and i kant whaiittttt 😬😬

4) Im looking forward to sambung my car license for this one month holiday. I really have to spent my holiday well and productive because, if not, im going to be really lonely lol. Beside my kakak is going back next week so im looking forward for the fun things we can do together to spent our holiday well.

5) Oh and, im alone. Let's be friends? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜œ

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Q & A myself

Hey thereeee ! so Ive been thinking to do this since i dont have anything to post. Honestly I havent read each one of the question i was just looking thru once and downloaded it. 30 questions and 30 answers! let's do this.

Question number 1: List 20 random facts about yourself.
Ok random facts kan. 
1. Cry baby hahahahahahha 
2. Mental tidak kuat. seriousslyyyyyy.
3. I have such trust issue. susah mau percaya orang eih.
4. I cant deal with kiddos with straight face. yet i try to understand u know.
5. Affectionate person. 
6. So many life principles.
7. Tired.
8. Alone
9. Prefer to do things by myself.
10. If i dont tell you, then dont bother to ask. It means I dont want to tell you.
11.  Solitude.
12. Privacy life is a happy life.
13. Crave food. western food make my stomach happy.
14. Secrets vault.
15. I kept precious memories in my heart.
16. I laugh so hard.
17. Dont mess with me 
18. Dont push me
19. Not really into judgement conversation 
20. So many things happened yet so little things to say.

Question number 2: 3 legitimate fears- explain.
1. Losing friends.
Oh well probably because i found it hard for me to make new friends. Those friends that i have now are the ones who worth to invest my time and energy with. 

2. Trust issue.
Im the kind of person who will tell you everything when i truly trusted you. I had experienced people broke my trust. Well, it's their lost.

3. Pistanthrophobia 
 Google for it. 

Question number 3: Relationship with parents.
 Ok bah

Question number 4: List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
 Wow this is so interesting.
Well, dear self, first, go for what you wanted!!!!!!!!!!! mau masuk KV sambung tourism? GO FOR IT SERIOUSLY?! Second, why bother to follow your friends a.k.a pride? you seriously have to choose the geography rather than addmaths and accounting stuff............. youve been thinking to take geography right? i thought you like geography since form 1? Third, be bold, firm and courage! Fourth, dont trust people easily. not everyone is your friend and dont easily get attached. somethings are completely temporary. Fifth, you should have just walk away from that toxic person. Sixth, menari bagus bagus masa solo. Do not be so nervous because it all temporary, what meant forever is your achievement on stage. Seventh, respect every hooman. Eighth, less talk and just listen. Ninth, make up your mind. Tenth, I love you, you deserve life that youve been dreaming of. Hold on tight keep yourself chin up and just go on . eventually life will bring you to what youre supposed to be and meant to.

Question number 5: 5 things that make you most happy right now
1. Good food.
2. To see and make sure all the people that i love, is happy and satisfied even if it's hurting me
3. Gained weight. Seriously.
4. I'm able to handle things on my own. 
5. Good sleep, enough rest.

Question number 6: Hardest thing that you have ever experienced 
Oh gosh... honestly i got few things crossed in my mind to answer this but it's kinda deep and personal.... so my answer to this question is those hard times where i have to choose whether to follow my heart or to make others happy. and also that time when i was innocent but have mistaken as the cause of something terrible. 

Question number 7: Dream job and why.
My dream job....fuhh. Should i tell this? hahaha ok why not. So my dream job is not just a job to get salary and pay my bills but it is a passion. I wish to run my own hotel and resort. pergh. such big dream.  it has been my dream job since 14. WHY? I have no idea how to explain this. hahaha. I just love hotel line. all those hotel stuffs good place modest accommodation magnificent view inside out. ok im done on this. let's move on

Question number 8: 5 passions you have.
Im not sure about this question or how am I supposed to answer this. Passion is an intense desire or enthusiasm for something so i think my passion is probably being confident to deal with people like the tourist (?) linked with hospitality (?) to serve people (?) am i answering this right? hahaha. passion in dancing? music? talk to people to make them feel better. i think it's interpersonal ? dealing with people different ages. not gossiping and wasting time but talk to them to make them feel '' oh thanks God someone understands me'' but not randomly approach someone go 'hey how are you tell me what's interrupting your mind'' no dont get me wrong. i cud say that im a good listener and i like having deep conversation because sometimes it all it takes to heal the wound lol is it count as passion? there's no wrong answer in this right. so basically these are the things that im passionate about. lol i dont even sure that im answering it right. 

Question number 9: 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
List out 10 people :1. Naomi Neo  inspiring me since secondary school and been my biggest influence among any other person.
2. Cupcakeaisyah because she's so cheerful i just love her positive attitude and shes so pretty.
3. The Kardashians especially Khloe because i like her personality so much. and her body! #bodyrevenge #bodygoals #inspiring

wait can we just make it 3? yes of course you can. alright. 

Question number 10: Most embarrassing moment.
probably that time when i was in kindergarten. guess what. saya terbirak di seluar. hahahahahahah

let's call it a day. 
goin to get some snack.

Few hours left



a freaking COLLEGE LIFE...

believe it or nah. i was going to sit for my UPSR on the first day i wrote this blog and today it has been like 7 years? and few more hours left for COLLEGE. well i got a lot of things happened in my mind and i really need to pour it all out somewhere . i guess that's why im still writing. 

so i decided not to tell anyone about entering college because i dont think people need to know everything i do where ive been what ive been thru what course im taking because that's just my comfortable point. unless they ask for me? lol what am i talking about ?

but seriously, my circle is really small and tight. and i love how private my life is. i dont really like to expose myself you know. have you been thinking the same thing? currently i only have whatsapp, the only place people could get in touch with me and of course only those who truly have a thought about me.


so talking about college, it's just so nerve racking. im freaking nervous about what environment im going to put myself into. and i think that is the only thing i concerned about rather than my study. wow-whuttttt? 

writing about this just make me get butterflies in my stomach.

im going to be okay. 
everything will be fine.
i will get thru this.


Friday, 5 January 2018

My 2017

hello magnificent world!
i think this is the longest gap between my latest update since 2016!

literally im talking to myself all alone on my blog not sure if theres anyone out there who keep checking on my blog.
well tbh i dont remember i got a blog until my workmate googled my name πŸ˜‘ (blog saya yang keluar paling atas) and so there this two lovely husband and wife from Netherlands, they were our special guest in our hotel, among of people around the world, they already read my blog because honestly, i dont have any facebook account ,  so they googled my name and as the result, they found it.

as requested by them,   Mr Jan and wife, i will try my best to write it all on official international language.
pardon me for my limited vocabulary and broken english .
anyway, cheers and blessed new year for both of you!


26th of January last year, i started my first and most memorable journey as a waitress partimer in a hotel here in KK. i still remember the first 3 days i cried as soon as i came home from work because it seems so hard for me to make friends since i was the youngest among them. we were like 3-40 years old gap and apparently when you didnt really know each other, the communications turned out really awkward. i cant even call or shout their name whenever i need to ask for something, it just made all the tasks harder than it actually was.-- you see, things like this happened to everyone. and it all about mindset. of course, you learn your lesson.

few weeks later, i finally  made it to the same track with. i observe, learn and do new things led by my pure desire in hospitality industry. and the most important thing is that, we were slowly getting closer and closer each day thru our ups and downs..

we work, we play, we sing, we eat, we dance we shop we basically do everything  and live together. live together? yes. approximately 9-12 hours a day together every 6 days in a week. just until the end of the year, as my resignation letter which effective on 31st of December , has changed and took away all the fun and the wake-up-to-see-each-other kind of life. in the last few days of working, i was all mentally preparing for my last day together with them and to step into new phase of my life.

it all made me realized that my THEM. i honestly do not know how to say it in a proper way... i can sum up my 2017 is all about the time we spent together. i learnt so so so much this year , basically all the things that i should learn. people on my age, they might learn to make friends in a new school with people same age and further their study. but in my path, it is beyond just to make friend and study. i learnt the pressure in work field, on how to control and train myself, learnt to improve my interpersonal skill, learnt to build trust between employer and employee, i learnt how people out there really treat each other, i really learnt the value of money and saving, i learnt to make time to my family and friends, i learnt to be independent and i learnt that 'maturity has nothing to do with age'. personally, im truly comfortable to be in an environment where people are way older than me. i found it easy and pleased and free for me to talk and act like my age. (i dont have to explain myself btw just let's be friend and i'll let you judge me) . my friends has taught me many many things, as they also have their own life to live. --how to loan the car, the license process, the banking, the recipes, life lesson (etc) and from that i see life from their point of view.

Tuntasnya, they meant so much for me as i was just starting and living my 18 years old life, they know me well and i learn about them as well. i might be the youngest, and the 'ex-colleague' to them, for real, they dont have any idea how much i love them and that they have special place in my heart. i love them from the utmost and i dont think they know that they are one of my reason to work hard this year as im going to further study in just few more days. they are my motivation, kick-start, for the next phase of my life.

i feel really loved when im with them. on the last day of working, we had this exchange gift among us for new year and surprisingly they did have prepared some gifts for me too! you see, it took EFFORT to do that. and some people just wont count if they truly pleasure to do so.they spent their time to shop and money that they actually could use to buy their own need. i really really appreciate all the efforts. and i promised myself TO NOT CRY during my last day working, but in the middle of the work, my friend suddenly drop his tears like seriously ALL OF SUDDEN and it happened to few friends too. i honestly didnt know who am i how much do i mean for them or how sad they were for me. and so i broke my own promise to myself. and i was glad to have the chance to hug each of them because i am a hug person. i hug those who i love the most...

>>happy new year<<

two days later, they kept posting things about me like my punchcard, my cup that i purposely left (so that everytime they use it will reminds them of me heheheh) and sent me all the crazy funny videos that we did last year and some pictures as well. personally it broke my heart that they have to miss me and if i have to responsible for their sadness during new year. but you see, it all means that the bonding and friendship didnt end just like that, we are not only friends during work but they are friends that worth to keep for life.

and it apparently has led to our gathering last night.. i feel so so so on top of the world as i see them coming one by one to our barbeque spot and we really had a good time together we eat we drink we play we sing together.oh ya, singing is one thing that we all love to do. i can say it is our obvious common. we were like singing all the time during work back then. we could make up a team you know.

After all, i thank God. i thank God for everything. i really thank God for giving me the chance to live this phase in my life. i thank God for having them in my growth. i know and im sure that we are not just meant to cross the same path for a while, but are meant to stay forever.

to all my friends above,

cheers! to many more years together.

thanks for the love
thanks for showing up
and thanks for e v e r y thing.

wish you guys happy new year and may life brings you eternal happiness and joy to a great days ahead.

Forever love,